The Water Data Podcast
The Water Data Podcast is a series that explores data-based decision making in water management, covering both challenges and solutions. Each episode delves into a specific aspect of water data for water management. The series will discuss a global perspective while being rooted in India’s water issues.
Your hosts Veena Srinivasan and Nirat Bhatnagar will talk to decision makers from grassroot organisations, companies, philanthropies and start-ups. They will share their experiences with water data across agriculture, innovation, water disasters, public health and more.
This Water Data Podcast series is jointly produced by Dalberg Advisors and ATREE/CSEI (Centre for Social and Environmental Innovation at the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment).
Why are we talking about Water Data?
Decision making for effective, efficient and sustainable water management requires high quality data. In practice, however, decisions are not driven by data mainly due to lack of data, its inaccuracy, poor usability and the lack of a culture of data-based decision making.
Addressing the water crisis will require careful data-driven decision making for both large and small water questions. While there have been significant advancements in water data, many challenges still remain and crucial conversations are essential to make progress.
Nirat Bhatnagar
Partner (Dalberg)
Dr. Veena Srinivasan
Director (CSEI)